Premium and Enterprise users: we’re unveiling an update to our Campaigns Dashboard that will help you gain more visibility into how shared campaigns are performing across teams.

Campaigns Dashboard Includes Shared Campaign-Level Stats For Greater Manager-Level Visibility

Last month, we brought an exciting redesign to the Campaigns dashboard that included:

  • Insights into individual campaign-level analytics
  • A condensed interface that displays more campaigns at once
  • Better overall visibility into which campaigns and touches are currently in progress

Now, we’re continuing the momentum to make campaigns data even more actionable.

Our latest update:

  1. Surfaces insights for managers and admins into how campaigns are performing across their team
  2. Allows individual users to compare their campaign usage to the rest of the team

By default, the campaigns modal will display your individual campaign-level stats with My Stats:

Toggle to Campaign Stats to view this update. The toggle is sticky and will stay on your latest preference:

For shared campaigns, you can view campaign-level stats for:

  1. In Progress / Total Recipients: Number of in-progress and total recipients added to a campaign
  2. Open %: Percentage of recipients added to a campaign who opened an email
  3. Click %: Percentage of recipients added to a campaign who clicked a tracked link or attachment
  4. Connect %: Percentage of recipients added to a campaign who replied to an email or connected via phone

Note: The number of in-flight recipients on each touch will reflect the activity of everyone who is using the campaign, not just you:

(For campaigns that are not shared, you’ll see Campaign Not Shared – No Campaign Stats.)

What’s Next?

Sincere thanks from everyone at Yesware for another great year.