Want better engagement with your emails? Look no further than Response Insights – our newest email engagement tool that lives right in your inbox.
Response Insights in Your Composer
When creating or editing an email (in Gmail), click the ‘Insights’ button located in the body of your email to reveal the Response Insights tool. The tool will analyze your email draft and provide feedback based on extensive research we’ve done on what makes an email most effective (i.e. subject length, word count, question count, and readability.) From these insights, you’ll also get recommendations to gently guide you to craft the perfect message.
Response Insights for Templates
Our Response Insights tool is also available for Templates. When you edit a template, there will be an option to “Get Insights” and open up the Response Insights tool. Again, the tool with grade your template based on subject length, word count, question count, and readability – providing you with an overall score and recommendations to make your message more engaging.
“I’m getting back into prospecting,