Say Hello to The Yesware Dossier

Say Hello to The Yesware Dossier

How often have you prepared for a meeting by checking Linkedin, Googling the company and reading the corporate blog?  What if there was a way to do all this simply by entering their email in a text field?

Now there is.

The Yesware Dossier will be a new service in the Yesware suite to help salespeople close deals faster. A user will be able to input an email address to get relevant information such as company news, recent activity, blog posts, social data and more!


The Yesware Dossier dashboard will give you a snapshot of basic information such as their picture, contact information, interactions, and social/ crm data if you’ve synced your accounts. This information will give you a quick sense of how strong the relationship and opportunity is before you go into the meeting.

Social Profiles

In the report you’ll be able to see their most recent social activity and if you sync your personal accounts you can see where you have shared connections. You’ll quickly be able to get a sense of their mood, recent activity and interests without having to search through each channel for their name.

Company Information

This report will also provide company information so you’ll have an instant snapshot of their recent blog activity, press and financial information to save time from navigating their website.

Contact Options

Within this Dossier you’ll be able to send them a tracked email using the Yesware service and eventually even make a call that’s recorded in your CRM.

CRM and More

As Yesware develops and our CRM integration gets deeper you’ll be able to manage the contact information and view all their details from our service.

The Yesware Dossier is still being built and when it’s live the functionality may be different but the underlying principle of getting a snapshot of relevant contact information will be available. The more feedback you provide the better we can make the service in the future. We’re excited to grow our services suite and to help salespeople close deals faster! We hope you are too.

Do you have thoughts and feedback on The Yesware Dossier? Maybe even ideas to make it better? Let us know in the comments!

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