20 Business Email Examples with Templates

20 Business Email Examples with Templates

Email is the most commonly used form of business communication, with the average employee sending about 40 emails (and receiving over 120!) on a daily basis. 

To that end, all salespeople need to know how to consistently write emails that are professional, polite, clear, and purposeful. Business email examples can help with that. 

Not only does email proficiency help make internal communication more cohesive and productive, but it also helps maintain positive external relationships with buyers, partners, and stakeholders. 

In fact, the performance of your emails can have impacts on everything from email open rates and engagement, to brand image and reputation, to sales team effectiveness and ability to reach goals, to customer satisfaction and referral rates. 

But given the many facets of a salesperson’s job — they’re expected to interact via email with peers, higher-ups, prospects, and more — knowing how to frame and present an email message appropriately based on the specific situation is crucial. Each type of professional email serves a unique purpose, whether it’s establishing contact, expressing gratitude, promoting products, or sharing important information.

In this article, we’ll go over 20 types of common business email examples, including a ready-to-use template for each. Feel free to copy and paste, and adapt as you see fit.

Click the links below to jump to a specific business email example:

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1. Introduction Email

A professional introduction email helps initiate contact between people in your network. 

The purpose of an introduction email is to help facilitate a mutually beneficial connection between colleagues by sharing relevant information about the people you’re introducing and how they might relate to one another. 

This type of business email example helps set the tone for future interactions. 

Subject Line: {!FirstName1}, {!FirstName2} — an introduction

Hi {!FirstName1} and {!FirstName2},

I hope this email finds you both well. I wanted to formally introduce you to one another, as it seemed like {point of interest relevant to both recipients}. 

{!FirstName1} and I {information about how you know each other}, and {!FirstName2} and I {information about you know each other}. It seemed like it made sense for you to know one another, as well.

I trust you can take it from here — let me know if I can be of any other help!



An introduction email should be personalized but concise. Usually, the sender (you) can bow out of the interaction once the introduction email is sent (unless the recipients desire otherwise). 

2. Welcome Email

Welcome emails are very common in sales. They’re frequently used during the onboarding process, as well as when prospects sign up for a newsletter or other email list. 

Welcome emails serve the purpose of greeting and engaging with new subscribers or customers, and help establish a positive rapport from the very beginning of the relationship. 

Subject Line: Welcome to {!YourCompany}!

Dear {!FirstName},

Welcome to {!YourCompany}! We are thrilled to have you on board and appreciate your trust in us.

At {!YourCompany}, we are committed to {briefly mention your key value proposition or mission}. We’re here to make your experience exceptional.

Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

  • {Highlight a key feature or benefit}
  • {Provide a link to resources or FAQs}
  • {Encourage engagement or interaction with CTA}

If you have any questions or need assistance at any time, feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team at {!CustomerSupportEmail/Phone}.

Once again, welcome to {!YourCompany}! We look forward to providing an excellent experience with your new {!ProductName}.

Best regards,


A welcome email is the first impression for many sales teams — it’s important to get it right.

Pay attention to the engagement metrics for your welcome emails, and be prepared to make adjustments as needed. After all, if your recipients aren’t engaging with your welcome email, it’s unlikely they’ll engage with any other emails after it. 

3. Follow-Up Email

Follow-up emails are another very common business email example. Their purpose is to continue ongoing communication and maintain engagement after an initial interaction or meeting. 

Subject Line: Follow-Up and Next Steps

Hi {!FirstName},

It was great connecting with you {mention when you last interacted} and discussing {briefly mention the topic or takeaways of the previous interaction}.

I wanted to follow up to see if you had any additional questions or if there’s anything further I can assist you with. 

{Optional: Mention any specific details discussed or actions to be taken.}

Talk to you soon,


Follow-up emails play a crucial role in building relationships and overall sales success, as over 80% of sales require 4 or more follow-ups. 

4. Thank-You Email

Thank-you emails help senders express gratitude or appreciation in writing. They’re the business equivalent of a thank-you note, and it’s generally considered good sales etiquette to send one after certain sales scenarios.

Subject Line: Thank You for {Specific Action}!

Dear {!FirstName},

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for {specific action}. Your {effort/kindness/generosity/trust} has not gone unnoticed, and I truly appreciate it!

{Optional: Share a brief comment on how the action has been beneficial.}

If there’s ever anything I or {!YourCompany} can do for you, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Once again, thank you for {specific action}. I look forward to the opportunity to express my gratitude in person.

Best regards,


Thank-you emails shouldn’t be an afterthought. They play a positive role in building strong relationships with buyers and promoting a sense of mutual benefit. 

5. Appointment Confirmation Email

A salesperson with a calendar full of meetings is doing something right, so it’s a good idea to become well-versed in appointment confirmation emails. 

An appointment confirmation email helps sales reps confirm the details of a scheduled appointment. 

Subject Line: Appointment Confirmation for {!Date}, {!Time}

Dear {!FirstName},

I trust this email finds you well. I wanted to confirm our upcoming appointment scheduled for:

  • Date: {!Date}
  • Time: {!Time}
  • Location: {!Location}

Attached, please find the proposed agenda for the meeting. If there are any changes or if you have any specific needs or preferences ahead of time, please let me know at your earliest convenience.

Thank you, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.



Appointment confirmation emails help ensure that all meeting attendees are on the same page about the date, time, location, and other information they need (e.g., agenda) to arrive prepared for the meeting. 

Sending this kind of email demonstrates professionalism, thoughtfulness, and attention to detail. 

6. Feedback Request Email

Salespeople usually send feedback request emails to customers, but they may sometimes solicit feedback from prospects as well. 

Feedback request emails can take many forms. Sometimes they present open-ended questions that ask the recipient to share their experience with a product, service, or buying process. 

Other times, they may send recipients a survey to fill out that can be easily analyzed for quantitative data. 

Some feedback request emails might also request a testimonial or review that could be potentially used to support the sales process.

All this to say that the primary purpose of a feedback request email is to understand how satisfied (or not) prospects and customers are, in their own words.

Subject Line: Your Feedback Matters!

Dear {!FirstName}

I hope this email finds you well. At {!CompanyName}, we are constantly striving to enhance our offerings and provide an outstanding experience for our users.

We would appreciate a few moments of your time to share your feedback on {!Product}. Your insights will help us understand your needs better and make improvements for an optimized experience.

{Direct link or instructions for providing feedback}

Thank you for your time and feedback. We genuinely appreciate your input!



Successful sales teams know how to send feedback request emails that get responses — and the really successful ones have a process in place for turning that feedback into tangible improvements. 

7. Newsletter Email

Sales teams send newsletter emails to update subscribers with relevant content. 

Newsletter emails are a very powerful tool for sales teams, as they connect with an audience that’s already very engaged (they willingly shared their email address, after all). 

It’s up to sales and marketing to find ways to write newsletter emails (or blog post emails, which might also fall under this category) with relevant content and messaging that maintains that enthusiasm. 

Subject Line: {!NewsletterName} – {!Month/Issue}

Dear {!FirstName},

Welcome to the latest edition of {!NewsletterName}! We’re excited to share with you the highlights, updates, and insights from {!Month/Issue}.

In this issue:

  • {Feature 1: Brief description}
  • {Feature 2: Brief description}
  • {Announcements or News}
  • {Exclusive Offer or Promotion}

{Optional: Include engaging visuals or images related to the content.}

We hope you find this edition valuable! As always, your feedback is important to us, so feel free to reply with your thoughts or suggestions.

Thank you for being part of our community!



Most buyers are willing to read blog or newsletter emails on a periodic basis every 1 – 4 weeks. 

8. Sales Promotion Email

A sales promotion email is one business email example that’s used in only very specific scenarios. Sales reps send them when they’re offering special deals, discounts, or incentives. 

Subject Line: Exclusive Offer Inside!

Dear {!FirstName},

I hope this message finds you well. As a valued customer of {!YourCompany}, we have a special offer just for you!

For a limited time, enjoy {!PromotionDetails} on {!Product}. This is one small way that we can express our appreciation for your continued support.

{Include a clear call-to-action button or link to the promotion.}

Hurry, this offer expires on {!Date}. 

Thank you for choosing {!YourCompany}! 



Sales promotions should be carefully planned with the marketing team and designed to drive sales. They need to generate enough immediate action among the recipients that the positives outweigh the loss in revenue from the discount. 

9. Event Invitation Email

Event invitation emails are pretty straightforward: they invite recipients to events and provide the necessary details (e.g., date, time, location, attire, etc.). 

Sales reps might send event invitation emails to invite recipients to conferences, seminars, webinars, product launches, parties, or other networking functions. 

Subject Line: Invitation: {!EventName}

Dear {!FirstName},

We are thrilled to invite you to {!EventName}!

Date: {!Date}

Time: {!Time}

Location: {!Location}

Join us for an {exciting/informative/interactive} event where you’ll have the opportunity to {briefly mention key highlights or benefits of the event}.

{Include a clear call-to-action button or link for RSVP.}

We look forward to seeing you at {!EventName}! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.



Skilled email writers can also use event invitation emails to drum up interest, enthusiasm, and buzz about their events. 

10. Product Launch Email

Speaking of product launches, a product launch email helps sales teams announce and promote the release of a new product or service to the recipients. 

Subject Line: Introducing: {!ProductName} (details inside)…

Dear {!FirstName},

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest product, {!ProductName}! 

Among other exciting features and benefits, {!ProductName} is designed to {mention key features or benefits}.

Key Features:

  • {Feature 1}
  • {Feature 2}
  • {Feature 3}

{Include an engaging visual or image of the product.}

{Optional: Offer a special launch promotion or discount.}

Ready to experience {!ProductName}? Click the link below to learn more!

{Include a clear call-to-action button or link to the product.}

Thank you for being part of our journey. We can’t wait for you to experience the extraordinary capabilities of {!ProductName}.



Product launch emails may seem simple on their surface, but they are actually a major strategic component of a product launch and go-to-market strategy. They help generate awareness, interest, and excitement about the product release. 

Tip: Looking for more email templates? Grab our free ebook below:

18 Proven Email Templates for SalesWinning email templates for cold outreach, follow-ups, and nurturing relationships – backed by data and real-world examples.

11. Employee Announcement Email

An employee announcement email is one business email example that’s usually reserved for internal communication, but occasionally significant hires will warrant an external email or memo. 

This type of email communicates important information about employee news within an organization, including new hires, promotions, departures, and other events. 

Subject Line: Exciting News: {!EmployeeName} Joins the {!Team/Department}!

Dear {!Team/Department},

I am delighted to share some exciting news with you. Please join me in welcoming {!EmployeeName} to our {!Team/Department}!

{!EmployeeName} comes to us with {mention relevant experience or background}, and we are thrilled to have them as part of our {!Team/Department}. Their skills and expertise will undoubtedly contribute to our ongoing success.

{Optional: Include a brief quote or personal message from the new employee.}

Let’s extend a warm welcome to {!EmployeeName} and support them as they embark on this new chapter with us.



Employee announcement emails are important for maintaining open communication and transparency among your team. 

12. Invoice or Billing Email

Invoice and billing emails notify customers about payments they owe for products or services. The purpose of this type of email is to make the payment process as easy and straightforward as possible. 

Subject Line: Invoice #{!InvoiceNumber} – Payment Due

Dear {!FirstName},

We hope this email finds you well. Attached is the invoice for {!Product/Service} for {!DateRage}.

Invoice Number: #{Invoice Number}

Invoice Date: {Invoice Date}

Due Date: {Due Date}

Total Amount: {Total Amount}

{Include an itemized breakdown of items, quantities, prices, and any additional details.}

Please ensure payment is made by the due date to avoid any late fees. You can make payment through {mention/link available payment methods}.

Thank you for choosing {!YourCompany}! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our billing department.



Billing emails should include all important details about the transaction, including items purchased (and total quantity), total price, a direct payment link, and relevant contact information. 

13. Apology Email

While no one wants to be in the position of needing to send one, apology emails are important for sales reps to master for when things potentially go awry. Apology emails help sales reps express regret, acknowledge mistakes, and offer sincere remorse for an inconvenience, error, or other negative experience. 

Subject Line: Apology and Correction

Dear {!FirstName},

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or frustration you may have experienced due to {briefly explain the issue or mistake}.

At {!Your Company}, we take pride in delivering exceptional service, and we understand that we fell short in this instance. Please accept our heartfelt apologies.

{Optional: Briefly mention the corrective actions taken to address the issue.}

To make amends, we would like to offer {mention any compensation or gesture}. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are committed to ensuring a more positive experience moving forward.

Thank you for your understanding. If you have any further concerns or questions, please feel free to reach out to us directly at {!Email} or {!PhoneNumber}.



Apology emails help sales reps address issues, resolve conflicts, and maintain positive relationships with colleagues, prospects, customers, and stakeholders.

14. Networking Email

Networking emails help sales reps build and maintain professional relationships online.

Subject Line: Networking Opportunities

Dear {!FirstName},

My name is {!YourName}, and I am {!YourRole} at {!YourCompany} with a keen interest in {mention relevant industry or topic}. I came across your profile and was impressed by {mention specific aspect or achievement}.

I would love to hear more about your experiences and perspectives if you’re open to networking. If you have some time for a brief coffee chat or a virtual meeting, I would greatly appreciate your time. I think we could both benefit from connecting. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.



With so much of sales happening more and more electronically, it’s important that sales reps feel comfortable with making authentic connections through email.

Networking emails are a strategic asset in a sales rep’s playbook that can help them expand their professional network, connect with peers, mentors, or industry professionals, and explore collaboration opportunities. 

15. Employee Recognition Email

One business email example that’s strictly internal is the employee recognition email. An employee recognition email helps sales teams acknowledge and appreciate one another’s contributions, achievements, or exceptional efforts. 

Subject Line: Three Cheers for {!EmployeeName}!

Dear {!Team/Department},

Today, I am thrilled to shine a spotlight on the outstanding contributions of {!EmployeeName}

{!EmployeeName} has consistently demonstrated {specific qualities, achievements, or efforts} that have significantly impacted our {!Team/department}. Their dedication, hard work, and positive attitude have not gone unnoticed.

Please join me in extending a heartfelt thank you to {!EmployeeName} for their exceptional contributions. We are fortunate to have such a valuable team member.

{Optional: Mention any specific achievements or projects.}

Thank you, {!EmployeeName}, for your commitment and hard work. Your efforts are truly appreciated.

With gratitude,


Employee recognition emails are an important part of building a positive team culture, boosting morale, and helping your team members feel appreciated. 

16. Product Update Email

A product email update informs users about relevant changes, improvements, or other feature updates regarding their product or service.

Subject Line: Exciting Product Update! 

Dear {!FirstName},

We hope this message finds you well. At {!YourCompany}, we are committed to constantly improving our offerings. We are excited to share our latest product updates with you!

{Highlight the key features, improvements, or changes made to the product, including any visuals or screenshots showcasing the updates.}

We believe these updates will {mention the benefits or improvements users can expect}. Your feedback is vital to us, so please feel free to share your thoughts or suggestions.

{Optional: Include a call-to-action button linking to more details or a feedback survey.}

Thank you for choosing {!YourCompany}! We look forward to continuing to provide you with an exceptional user experience.



Product update emails help keep customers engaged, informed, and satisfied with your organization’s offerings. 

17. Internal Communication Email

The term “internal communication email” is quite broad, and this business email example can encompass a variety of messaging. 

Internal communication emails help facilitate communication within an organization. 

Subject Line: Important Announcement – {Brief Description}

Dear {!Team/Department},

I hope this email finds you well. We have an important announcement to share with all members of our {!Team/Department}.

{Provide a concise overview of the announcement, update, or information.}

Please take a moment to read through the details, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification.

{Optional: Include any action items or next steps.}

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.



Internal communication emails help convey important announcements, updates, policies, and other relevant information to the relevant team members. 

18. Referral Request Email

Salespeople write referral request emails when they want to solicit recommendations or referrals from existing customers. 

Subject Line: A Referral Would Mean the World!

Dear {!FirstName},

I trust this message finds you well. At {!YourCompany}, positive feedback from our customers means the world to us. 

If you’ve had a great experience with our products/services, we would be honored if you could take a moment to refer us to your professional network. Your recommendation could help others benefit from the value we provide. 

{Include a clear call-to-action button or link for the referral, as well as any benefits they receive from successful referrals.} 

We appreciate your continued support and look forward to providing an outstanding experience to your colleagues. 

Thank you, as always, for being a valued part of the {!YourCompany} community.



This type of email can give sales reps a lot of leverage and insight about what matters most to their target audience and help generate valuable customer referrals that generate profit for the company. 

19. Employee Training Announcement Email

Employee training announcement emails are strictly internal and communicated to the sales team when they are expected to complete training, workshops, or other learning opportunities.

Subject Line: Upcoming Employee Training Session – {!Topic}

Dear {!Team/Department},

I hope this email finds you well. We are excited to announce an upcoming training session focused on {!Topic}. This training will enhance your skills and knowledge in {specific area}.

Training Details:

  • Date: {!Date}
  • Time: {!Time}
  • Location: {!Location} or {!Virtual link}

{Include a brief overview of the training content and objectives.}

This is a valuable opportunity for professional development, and your active participation is encouraged. Please RSVP by {!Deadline}.

If you have any questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your commitment to continuous learning and improvement.



These types of emails help keep the workforce informed about their upcoming professional development and the expectations around their participation. 

20. Exit Interview Email

An exit interview email helps sales managers and other executives understand why employees have chosen to transition out of their organization. 

Subject Line: Exit Interview Request

Dear {!EmployeeName},

As you approach your departure from {!YourCompany}, we would like to invite you to participate in an exit interview. Your insights and feedback are valuable to us and will help us understand your experiences during your employment with us.

The exit interview can be conducted in person, over the phone, or through a confidential survey—whichever method you are most comfortable with. 

We are interested in hearing about your overall experience, the reasons for your departure, and any suggestions you may have for improvement.

Please let us know your preferred method and availability for the exit interview, and we will make the necessary arrangements.

Your input is highly appreciated, and we thank you in advance for your time and candid feedback.

Best regards,


Exit interview emails are as productive as you make them, so try to write messages that encourage transparency around the employee’s experiences, reasons for leaving, and suggestions for improvement. 

Yesware: Email Communications Made Easy

Business emails can be everything from run-of-the-mill (e.g., appointment confirmation emails) to delicate and complex (e.g., apology emails). Sales reps need to know how to navigate each type of email scenario to communicate effectively. 

Yesware can make this process easier by giving sales reps the power to create and save winning email templates, auto-send appointment confirmations, track their email performance, and gain insights with powerful analytics. 

Download Yesware for free today and save all of the email templates above in our easily accessible templates library that lives in your inbox: 

business email example templates

Templates can be easily sorted based on the type of email, as well as easily shared across your team. 

Know how each template is performing based on opens and replies so you always know what is/isn’t working in your outreach.

Try Yesware today for free to access email templates, email tracking, and more.

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