Cold Outreach:

Do Their Research For Them


Establishing credibility is key to gaining your prospect’s trust. Humans naturally fear the unknown. A tip to overcome their resistance is to mention a similar business you’ve worked with and how you’ve helped that company. Do your research and demonstrate your industry expertise by offering guidance and solutions to their pain points. Build rapport by providing them relevant and helpful content. This template helps you establish yourself as an authoritative figure and reduce any initial fears.


Articles for your commute home


Hi {!First name},

The last few calls I’ve had with companies like yours who {!specific stats about the recipient’s company} have led me to research {!topic that could be a pain point for them}.

I thought you would appreciate these articles. I thought they did a great job at addressing {!pain point}:

{!Link to content 1}{!description of content 1}

{!Link to content 3}{!description of content 2}

{!Link to content 3}{!description of content 3}

If these resonated with you, let’s grab 15 minutes to see if {!your Company} can help by {!proposed solution for solving pain point}.

Is there a day or time that generally works best for you?

More Templates

Cold Outreach:

Do Their Research For Them

Follow Up:

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