A/B Testing Our New Videos from Simplifilm

A/B Testing Our New Videos from Simplifilm
Matthew Bellows
Matthew Bellows

Matthew Bellows

2 min read0 reads

Back in October I started getting late-night emails and suggestions from this extra-energetic guy named Chris. The first message was titled “Hey nice service” and contained exactly one line. Then the questions started coming – what about an API? Who do you compete with? What are your priorities and are you committed to deliver on them? I kept alternating between thinking, “Who is this guy?” and “This is the most incredible salesperson ever.”

Well, Chris didn’t get to the selling until he gave us dozens of product suggestions, feature requests, and two amazing blog posts. Finally, when he said he’d “be honored to, love to” make a movie for us, there was no way I was going to turn down his passion. Plus, the Simplifilm team makes amazing films.

In the course of the project, Chris found two great voice-over people. We couldn’t decide who was best, so the team made videos with both and we’re going to A/B test them when our new site launches. In the meantime, I’d love to hear what you think. Which one do you like better?

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